  • Am I a suitable candidate for PRP?

    Successful PRP treatment relies on good-quality plasma. If you are in good health and are well hydrated, you are a good candidate.

    However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, a smoker, or have an uncontrolled autoimmune disease, or a blood clotting disorder you may not be suitable for treatment.

    Suitability for this treatment will be determined in your consultation with our Medical Team.

  • Can men get Cosmetic Injectables?

    More and more men are opting to get Cosmetic Injectable treatments. Popular options include Dermal Fillers for a chiseled jawline, Anti-Wrinkle treatments, and treatments to combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Talk to us today for a tailored treatment plan.

  • Can Cosmetic Injectables enhance my masculine facial features?

    Cosmetic Injectables are a great way to enhance masculine facial features, such as Dermal Fillers for a stronger jawline. 

  • Will Cosmetic Injectables remove or reduce my masculine facial features?

    Cosmetic Injectable treatments will not remove masculine facial features, it all depends on what look you are aiming for. We have Cosmetic Injectable treatments that can help you enhance the masculine aesthetic, such as Dermal Fillers for a stronger jawline. Cosmetic Injectable treatments can also be performed to provide a natural result, helping you avoid an overdone or artificial look.

  • Are Laser Clinics Cosmetic Injectors familiar with male facial anatomy?

    Yes they are. Our Cosmetic Injectors undergo training with both male and female models, and are skilled at working with both male and female clients to provide tailored results for each individual.

  • What is Bioremodulator?

    Bioremodulator is an injectable skin remodelling treatment containing one of the highest concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) on the market.

    It is specially formulated to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

  • Who is suitable for Bioremodulator?

    Bioremodulator is recommended for adults who feel their skin has begun to sag, and lose overall volume and fullness. Bioremodulator can be used to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines.

    Bioremodulator is not suitable for those who are wanting to replace lost volume in specific parts of their face, or those who want to alter the shape of their face or features. 

  • What is a "Lip Flip"?

    As a part of your usual frown and crow's feet injections, lip flips are a few extra units that act to evert the lip. Usually, the top lip is our focus, we work with the muscle around your mouth to pop your lip a little to show a little more of the wet part of your lip.

    This treatment is simple and can be added to any anti-wrinkle treatment. It lasts approx. 6-8 weeks and offers a subtle change to the lip. This is a great first step to try before deciding on our premium lip filler products.

  • What is PRP?

    Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a Cosmetic Injectable treatment by which a person’s own blood is used. Platelets are vital in the process of tissue healing, and the growth of new cells. PRP thereby promotes collagen production, regenerates the skin tissue, and essentially re-energises your cells into rejuvenating themselves. The release of growth factors accelerates the healing process. PRP softens fine lines and wrinkles, tightens the skin, and improves skin tone and texture.

  • What areas can be treated with PRP?

    PRP treatment areas include:

    - Peri-orbital Rim

    - Temples

    - Crow's Feet

    - Full Face

    - Jaw/Submentum

    - Neck

    - Decolletage

  • Is there any downtime with PRP?

    There is no downtime associated PRP injections. However, after your treatment you may experience some redness and possible bruising. This is normal and to be expected. Redness usually lasts from one to 24 hours. You may also have a little swelling in some areas.

  • How long is the PRP treatment time?

    Depending on the number of areas being treated, most PRP treatments are completed in 40 – 60 minutes.

  • Can PRP work for hair thinning?

    Yes, PRP can also be used to treat general hair thinning and certain types of Alopecia. The treatment decreases hair loss while increasing hair volume and strength.

  • What can I expect after a PDO Thread treatment?

    Some clients may experience bruising and discomfort around the injected area. Headaches and nausea may also occur within the first few days of treatment.

  • How frequently should you have Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Injectables?

    It is recommended to repeat the treatment before the muscle movements return to normal which is typically 3-4 months. This way there is an overlap in results and a continued softening effect.

  • Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections work preventatively?

    Yes. Anti-Wrinkle Injections influence the movement of the facial muscles and reduce the contractions to prevent future lines from forming earlier than they might naturally. It is one of the most effective anti-ageing treatments that we offer at Laser Clinics Australia.

  • What Anti-Wrinkle products do you use?

    For legal reasons, we are unable to publish the brand names of prescription medicines such as Anti-Wrinkle and Dermal Fillers. At your consultation, your Cosmetic injector can freely talk about which market-leading brand is suitable for you.

  • Can I have Filler dissolved at the clinic?

    We do not offer to dissolve Filler if you were treated outside of our network of clinics. If you wish to dissolve Filler you received at Laser Clinics, you must book a review with your Cosmetic Injector.

  • Can I eat or drink after Lip Fillers?

    Yes, you can eat and drink after Lip Filler. It may feel a little strange at first as there may be some swelling present. For the first 24 hours, you'll want to avoid eating foods that require excessive chewing so the product can settle.

  • How should I prepare for Dermal Filler treatment?

    Avoid vigorous physical activity or any large intakes of alcohol for 24 hours as this increases the risk of bruising. Aspirin and Vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.

  • Can I fly after Dermal Filler treatment?

    Avoid international travel for 2 weeks post-treatment. The prolonged cabin air pressure can cause unpredictable swelling and bruising.

  • Does Dermal Filler cause skin to sag?

    No. While Dermal Fillers do stretch the skin slightly to fill into the tissues, it does not have a lasting effect on the skin itself. Your skin will return to its original state when the product metabolises.

  • How does HydroGlow work?

    HydroGlow is a non-surgical cosmetic injectable micro-filler treatment. Micro-fillers are like dermal fillers in that they contain Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA secretly holds the smooth, flawless, and hydrated skin. This substance works to maintain skin hydration by binding closely with water and supporting vital collagen and elastin, which work to maintain the integrity and suppleness of our skin. Think of HydroGlow like micro-droplets of a long-lasting, water-loving substance, which will absorb water, bringing deep hydration, improved firmness, and improved smoothness to the skin.

  • What areas and skin concerns can you treat with HydroGlow?

    HydroGlow is unique in that it can treat the whole face at once which makes it a convenient treatment. Additionally, we can treat troublesome areas that no treatment has ever been able to reach before, like under the eyes. So, with this treatment we can treat the upper section, mid-section, and lower section of the face for fine lines, dull skin, and thin skin, all in one appointment.

  • How quickly can you expect to see their HydroGlow results?

    Results can be seen after the first treatment with the full effects after 10 days. For optimum results, a course of 3 Full Face treatments at 3-4 week intervals is recommended.

  • Can I get cosmetic injectable treatments while pregnant?

    No. Your safety is our main concern and for this reason, we do not treat clients who are pregnant. We advise against all cosmetic injectable treatments whilst pregnant simply out of precaution and due to the lack of information available on cosmetic injectable treatment effects on the fetus. 


  • What Dermal Filler products are used at Laser Clinics Australia?

    For legal reasons, we are unable to publish the brand names of prescription medicines such as Dermal Filler. As Australia's largest network of clinics, we only use market-leading brands. At your consultation, your Cosmetic Injector can freely talk about the options available to you.

  • Are there any side effects after having Dermal Fillers?

    The most common side effects occur within 24 hours or immediately post-treatment. These include swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness.

    Immediate side effects usually disappear within days. However, depending on the type of Dermal Filler used, it can take a few weeks. At Laser Clinics Australia we strongly encourage a review appointment  2 weeks post-treatment to discuss your treatment results.

  • Vaccines and Cosmetic Injectables

    For Cosmetic Injectable treatments, we advise you to wait a minimum of 7 days before or after receiving any vaccination.

    If you have any concerns, we advise you to seek medical advice prior to your treatment.

  • What’s included in my full face analysis?

    Your full face analysis is a consultation with our Registered Nurses. They will understand your goals and answer any questions, and offer personalised treatment solutions.

  • What's the difference between Bioremodulator and Dermal Fillers?

    While both injectables use the same component, hyaluronic acid, Bioremodulator and Dermal Filler work very differently.

    Dermal filler is injected to lift a specific area such as the lips and cheeks, and it does not typically migrate to the surrounding skin. In this way, it augments your natural facial structure to produce more volume and structure to your face.

    Bioremodulator works very differently because it is made of 100% hyaluronic acid, while dermal fillers have other components. Because Bioremodulator is made of a completely natural skin substance, it blends into the skin seamlessly and distributes itself evenly. The treatment also helps to retain moisture levels in the skin while boosting the production of collagen and elastin, both essential skin proteins, which help to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

  • What treatments are suitable during pregnancy?

    If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, we recommend you consult with your obstetrician on treatment options. Certain treatments may not be suitable for you, or a medical note may need to be presented at the time of treatment. Please contact your clinic for further details regarding specific treatments.

  • How does PRP work?

    PRP is a natural treatment that uses your own blood to boost skin health and reverse the signs of ageing. Our Medical Team of experienced Doctors and Registered Nurses begin the treatment by extracting your own blood from your arm and running the extracted blood through a centrifuge to separate the platelet rich plasma (PRP) with a dedicated medical device. Using a topical anaesthetic to ensure comfort, the platelet rich plasma is then injected into the treatment area.

    The treatment results in an increased number of collagen fibres and enhances the skin’s elasticity and texture. The platelets also release growth factors, which help the skin repair and renew, with the effect of increased skin smoothness and reduced fine lines and wrinkles. Overall, the entire treatment takes less than an hour.


  • Is PRP available at all clinics?

    No, PRP is available at select clinics only. Please see the clinic finder to see participating clinics. 

  • When will I see my PRP treatment results?

    Generally, clients notice tightening and a more even tone to their skin in a week or two after PRP injections. These results continue to build for up to 6 months after treatment.

  • How many PRP treatments will I need?

    For best results we recommend 3 treatments, 1 month apart.

  • Am I a suitable candidate for PDO Threads?

    Please book a consultation with our Medical Team to ascertain if you are a suitable candidate for treatment. We are unable to treat you if:

    You are taking Anticoagulants (blood thinning medication)
    You are pregnant or breastfeeding
    You have multiple and severe allergic reactions

  • When will I see results from my PDO Threads treatment?

    The results are seen in 8-12 weeks and last up to 12 months. Threads remain in place for up to six months and then slowly dissolve. While the threads start dissolving at approximately 3 months, the collagen stimulation can last up to 12 months. This long-lasting effect is due to the improvement of your skin condition post-treatment.

  • What is the aftercare for Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Injectables?

    As with any Laser Clinics Australia treatment, our Anti-Wrinkle Cosmetic Injectable treatments come with important after-care recommendations in order to achieve the best results. Our experienced medical team share their post-treatment advice:

    - Remain upright for four hours following your treatment and avoid lying down while the product settles into place.
    - Avoid any Skin Treatments like Microdermabrasion, Skin Needling, or Dermal Rolling for two weeks after Dermal Fillers
    - Avoid active skincare products such as Retinol for at least 5 days after the treatment.
    - Avoid alcohol and painkillers such as ibuprofen before and after treatment as they tend to thin the blood and can make you prone to bruising.
    - Do not exercise for 24 hours after your treatment and avoid any exercise that involves inverted poses (e.g. yoga, pilates, barre, etc) and provoke sweating as the Dermal Filler is settling into place.
    - Avoid exposing your skin to excessive heat or cold including saunas, spas, steam rooms, hot yoga, ice baths, or skiing. Changes in temperature can lead you to touch or rub your face more which can put unwanted pressure on the treated muscles, risking dispersion of the protein into unwanted areas.
    - Avoid massaging or applying pressure to the face which can affect how the product settles in a particular area. When cleansing the skin and applying skincare and makeup, only use gentle strokes.

  • What is the aftercare for Dermal Filler treatment?

    As with any Laser Clinics Australia treatment, our Dermal Filler Cosmetic Injectable treatments come with important after-care recommendations in order to achieve the best results. Our experienced medical team share their post-treatment advice:

    - Remain upright for four hours following your treatment and avoid lying down while the product settles into place.
    - Avoid any Skin Treatments like Microdermabrasion, Skin Needling, or Dermal Rolling for two weeks after Dermal Fillers
    - Avoid active skincare products such as Retinol for at least 5 days after the treatment.
    - Avoid alcohol and painkillers such as ibuprofen before and after treatment as they tend to thin the blood and can make you prone to bruising.
    - Do not exercise for 24 hours after your treatment and avoid any exercise that involves inverted poses (e.g. yoga, pilates, barre, etc) and provoke sweating as the Dermal Filler is settling into place.
    - Avoid exposing your skin to excessive heat or cold including saunas, spas, steam rooms, hot yoga, ice baths, or skiing. Changes in temperature can lead you to touch or rub your face more which can put unwanted pressure on the treated muscles, risking dispersion of the protein into unwanted areas.
    - Avoid massaging or applying pressure to the face which can affect how the product settles in a particular area. When cleansing the skin and applying skincare and makeup, only use gentle strokes.

  • What should I do prior to the Lip Filler treatment?

    Avoid vigorous physical activity or any large intakes of alcohol for 24 hours as this increases the risk of bruising. Aspirin and Vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.

  • I am booked in for cosmetic injectables. Do I need to do anything beforehand?
    Avoid vigorous physical activity or any large intakes of alcohol for 24 hours as this increases the risk of bruising. Aspirin and Vitamin E should not be taken one week before the treatment.
  • How many units will I need to get rid of my frown lines and crow’s feet?

    To determine the correct dosage, we advise you to book in for a consultation with one of our experienced Cosmetic Injectors at your nearest Laser Clinics Australia location.

  • How long do Dermal Fillers last?

    Dermal Fillers can last up to three to six months and in some cases longer depending on how fast the body metabolises the product. Lips are a high activity area as we use them all the time, this can impact how long the results will last.

  • Why am I required to complete a Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) screening prior to my inject treatment?

    We want to ensure you feel confident and comfortable every step of the way. That's why we adhere to the latest guidelines set by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) screening, developed by the Medical Board of Australia. This ensures that we maintain the highest standards of care and address any underlying mental health concerns.

  • What happens in a Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) screening?

    Our healthcare professionals will ask general questions about BDD in your medical history form upon arrival at your appointment, followed by formal screening if deemed necessary. This helps us tailor treatment plans and make informed decisions to ensure your well-being.

    Your privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us throughout the entire screening process.

  • How will my lips look and feel after lip filler?

    Lip filler results are visible straight away. You may experience some swelling and bruising for 1-5 days, however, this is completely normal after a cosmetic injectable treatment. During this time, an ice pack should be applied to the area to reduce any swelling/bruising.

    Lumps and bumps are also common after having your lips treated which is why it’s important to ensure you attend your post-treatment review. A post-treatment review is available to all injectable clients. It not only gives the Injector an opportunity to check in with the results of the treatment, but it also gives you, the client, an opportunity to ask any lingering queries you may have.

  • How does HydroGlow assist with ageing?

    As we age, we lose collagen and elastin, resulting in the skin’s repair mechanisms slowing down creating poor skin tone and texture, lack of elasticity, and the formation of wrinkles. HydroGlow works to treat all of these concerns.

  • How much does HydroGlow cost?

    For a complete list of pricing, please refer to our Cosmetic Injections pricing on our website. Don’t forget we offer Zip so you have the freedom to buy now, pay later.

  • How long do anti-wrinkle cosmetic injectable results last?

    Anti-Wrinkle treatments begin to work 2-3 days after the treatment and reach their full effect within 7-14 days. The effects can typically last for up to 3-4 months depending on the individual. 

  • Do Dermal Fillers hurt?

    Dermal Fillers feel like a slight pinch, and you may experience slight pressure or a ‘stinging’ sensation as the product is being injected. pain is such a personal and subjective thing. it all depends on your tolerance and on the treatment area.